So. It occurred to me the other day as I was pondering what to post on this blog that even common things that happen here could be interesting to the people who read this...
I've posted several photos below to share some common things...things like what I see when I walk to the road to get a tricycle (in New York they would say "hail a cab")...a tricycle...a street scene...
in the above photo, my house is the one with the grey fence...and a coconut tree in front...(if you enlarge the photo by clicking on it, you might be able to see all the papaya in our tree just inside the fence....
here's a couple of the local alarm clocks...oh, I mean's very common to find roosters tied to trees by a piece of string or rope...they're kept for "cock fighting"...the *lovely* sport where you strap a small blade to the ankle of two roosters, then throw them into a "cock ring" and let them try and kill each other...people bet on these fights and lose all their money...One more thing to notice, on the left, a fantasmic papaya tree with a lovely papaya almost ready to be picked...
no need to adjust your monitors...the colors on the building above are accurate...these lovely one room apartment were just completed recently and there are large signs advertising them as "Bachelor Pads"...secretly I think it would be really fun to live in the purple one...:)
our road...the tricycle drivers won't come down it anymore...WAY too bumpy...we've almost tipped over a few times...
here's Lota (our college student who lives with us) and I inside the back of the you can see, they weren't really built with foreigners (me and Teresa) in mind...
The little orange trike...the main transportation here...there's a bench next to the driver and in the back, one seat on either side...powered by a motorcycle...costs 6.5 pesos (15cents) per ride, which takes you anywhere in the city...I've taken a half hour ride to church with seven people in one of these little guys!! the Philippines there's a saying- "There's always room for one more!!" :)
And finally, I'll leave you with a look at a smooth, beautiful, uncongested part of Butuan City roads...This is just around the corner from our house...the vehicle on the right is called a goes for longer you come visit me, I'll pick you up from the airport in one of them...:)
That's all for now...leave a comment and let me know you're reading this blog...:)
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