Friday, September 19, 2008


Susan and the team just finished their first week of school.  They shared messages from our theme verse, Isaiah 62: 10-12, during this time:

10 Go through, go through the gates;
prepare the way for the people;
build up, build up the highway;
clear it of stones;
lift up a signal over the peoples.
11 Behold, the Lord has proclaimed
to the end of the earth:
Say to the daughter of Zion,
“Behold, your salvation comes;
behold, his reward is with him,
and his recompense before him.”
12 And they shall be called The Holy People,
The Redeemed of the Lord;
and you shall be called Sought Out,
A City Not Forsaken.
They also prayed individually for most of the 44 students, and each of them received a Word from the Lord.  They are very eager to hear God's voice and receive what He has for them. Susan sounded very encouraged.  

She asked that you please pray for safety, unity of the team, cultural relevance, the flight schedule, and for them to be a blessing to the believers they are working with!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Hello!  For most of you, I'm a new face around here.  I thought I'd do a little intro so you aren't wondering, "Who on earth is this person?"  I'm Tricia, and I am Susan's older, wiser, and smarter cousin! (Just kidding about the wiser and smarter! LOL)  I live in Southern California with my wonderful husband and four beautiful children.  You can read more about us on our family blog!

She has asked me to keep everyone updated while she is in the jungle.  I will be posting updates as they come. If anyone has any questions of her that would be simple to relate via text message, feel free to post them in the comment section.  I won't promise to ask her every single thing, but I will do my best!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Google Earth....

i have that song stuck in my head "Where in the world is CARMEN SANDIEGO?".... people of my generation might remember that game show....something about geography.... i don't know....

some of you may be wondering where in the world is PALANAN, ISABELLA? if you have Google Earth (and if you don't, it's FREE, and really cool and i'd recommend it...just search online for Google Earth and the site will come up, click to download and follow the instructions) then you can type in the coordinates : 17° 3'55.32"N 122°26'36.81"E and you will see the place I'll be staying. you can also search for Palanan, and the teeny tiny town will show up, then you can float down the river on your imagination and arrive at the coordinates above and you'll see the same thing...

Thought I'd share for those of you who are interested....i know my Dad is one of them...and there may be others...

something to note is that there are NO roads connecting this valley with the rest of the world. people from palanan say "outside" when they talk about leaving the valley whether by plane, foot or boat....if you are in Palanan, you are "inside". People from Palanan call anyone who's not born there and comes inside a "foreigner" even if they're from just over the mountains. isolated. they're isolated.

and God is building His kingdom there. and they are reaching out. they have a vision to become international missionaries. they want to tell people what He's done inside. they want the foreigners to have relationship with their Father, and so they pray and learn and grow. And it is beautiful in His sight.

will you pray? continue to pray? we leave Thursday for our adventure that's soon. I'll tell you my honest how I'm feeling soon......

Monday, September 1, 2008

Back for 2WEEKS

photos: The village we will be staying in... there's a building we stay in, but this is what the village looks like. :)

the Bible School students, 17 of the 44 particpants in the Discipleship Course in their classroom, which is also the church in the village. The students range in age from 16 to 26, approximately. Some have not finished high school due to lack of funds and accessibility to the school in town.

the school is using the ISOM (International School of Ministry) videos to run their Bible school. The instructor speaks in English and is then translated into Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines. the TV is running off of a generator, because there is no eletricity in the village.

Left to right: Nora, a CMU missionary, Adeline, my co-staff (and watcher when i was in the hospital) and I. Nora will be one of the students in the Discipleship course.

fresh ocean fish and rice for lunch, followed by a dessert of fresh bananas (there are more than 70 kinds of bananas here!)

boat trip from the village into town..about 20 minutes...40 minutes if we walk.

the view looking from the village down into the river below...might be where we wash clothes and bathe if we run out of water in the you see Duane and Lois in the waiting shed?
So. We went for the week and came back safely after an exciting ride in the little 5 seater airplane. (The pilot almost had to turn around because of the turbulence and how low the clouds was a bit like a roller coaster at the end...except this one had no tracks...but praise the LORD we were able to land safely back in Baguio...with slightly greener faces than normal...:))
The time in Palanan was beautiful and we were able to accomplish our objectives. We trained the 3 graduates of CDTS who will be staffing the Course in how to run a small group and what discipleship is all about. An added blessing was that several of the CMU missionaries were able to sit in and were visibly encouraged by the teaching. It's not just something that applies in the YWAM context. It is basic principles in building relationship between mentor and mentee (is that a word:))
We were also able to take a good look at the logistics of being there for 12 weeks and were able to come up with some solutions that will make our time there a bit easier than when we are there for 4 weeks of outreach. For example, we won't be cooking on wood...which can take 2 hours per meal cooking time...we were able to find a little 2-burner stove and will be bringing in propane with us on the airplane, since it's not available there. Also, we are planning, weather permitting, to come out for one week in the middle for a break time together and to get more supplies. The place is so isolated, and since we aren't used to it, it could be way too stressful to be out for that long.
Are there things that don't make sense in what I'm telling you? Because this is somewhat normal for me, it's hard to think how to explain this so you get an understanding. Please ask me whatever questions you have so I can fill you in. Maybe you aren't the only one wondering. :) just click on the word COMMENT at the end of this post follow the directions to leave a comment. (it's pretty easy....:))