Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sometimes VBS is Hard.

We were asked to do a VBS for the Agta kids in the village we were staying in...there we about 20 of them...ranging in age from 2 to 15...and no one on our team spoke their language...the person who was supposed to run the VBS had gotten sick and was resting in another village many hours away, so we were starting from scratch. So the 4 women in our team prayed and asked God what in the world we should do...
Our supplies were: some colored chalk, 2 packs of crayons, some lined paper and one very sassy Tagalog speaker (Hazel, she's on staff with me..and she speaks the closest dialect to what the kids could understand..but for those kids not in school yet, they were lost....)
"Mga Anak ng Hari" means "Children of the King." We used the week to teach the kids about their importance to God, and how as princes and princesses in His kingdom, they could talk to Him (intercede, pray) about their country and their concerns, also that He loved to hear them worshipping Him.
We ended up buying about 20 manila folders and tiny little vials of glitter in town, borrowing some broken scissors and making crowns together. We cut out the folders into fancy shapes and then had the kids design their own crowns...even the teenage girls were so excited and wanted to fully participate in the event. The moms that had gathered with us that day, each got to make one too...for the tiny babies they had swaddled to their chests, and for the toddlers who were too young to make their own. I wish you could have seen the joy and excitement on their faces as they wore the crowns that night at the closing graduation. They all marched proudly in wearing their mark of royalty.

Understanding that what we did in those days was impossible, we were simply walking in obedience to what God had shown us to do. It was hot, frustrating and felt pointless at times. But I believe that if even one child or one mom understood their importance to God and that their identity has nothing to do with the poverty they live in, but in the fact that they are children of God, then it ALL was worth it.
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1000s of words about outreach :)

My dad brought me an animated singing frog...Jeremiah was a Bullfrog was heard throughout the land...the kids loved it.
Duane deserved it. We promise.
An interesting perspective of travel on the this case we're being towed by the boat in front of us...eventually our driver was able to fix the motor...and then it broke again.
Can you see the team walking on the path? We spent 3 days in this village...where I was able to spear my foot with a fishing spear...but the view was amazing. :)
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

We're Out.

After an exciting landing here in Bagabag, I am happy to report that our team has safely completed the Palanan phase of our outreach. We spent three weeks serving the churches of Palanan. We held a family camp, spoke in church seminars, ran a VBS for the Agta kids, helped build a medical clinic and walked miles to visit and encourage people in their homes. It was good to be back in a place that feels like home...even though it's so different there.
Since I've gone so many times, I'm starting to understand more of the place, and can really see the impact the gospel is having in this remote location. The missionaries serving there full time are truly a faithful bunch. They are translating the Bible, pastoring, mentoring and raising up young people and still working on things like farming and fishing in order to provide for their families. The joy of the Lord is present in their faces. I love to spend time with them.
It was an interesting experience to be the team leader this time. Although Duane was there, I was the one primarily in charge with the help of the lovely Hazel. I learned things about myself and can really see how God has grown me and changed me in my years of being here in the Philippines.
Thank you for praying. I'm in an internet cafe right now so I don't have access to any photos to share with you. But when I can, I will. :) (I"ll tell you the story of the plane landing in person. OH my lanta that was an experience. Cause of the typhoon that is headed our way....)
We're in Bagabag for one week before we leave for Baguio. We'll be serving a group of churches here...our team is doing well...but I can see that we're tired. The students graduate on the 20th of June and I know they will be happy to have completed the course.
Love and blessings.